Rebel Party Band (for Pete)

Below is a collection of rushes from a wedding film we're currently working on (a fantastic wedding may I add)... very few wedding bands make me feel like I'm watching an actual band – these guys do.

Rebel Party Band have no idea I'm posting this or that this film even exists... it's by no means a promotional film... hell, I'm not even sure Pete and the guys will like it... it's more of a love letter (well, film) from one creative to another. Pete, I guess this is for you... for being one of the coolest guys I know and the greatest friend a guy could ask for. It's a wild time.... so go get them.

As for the film... Crop. Grain. B&W. Motion Sickness... kind of all makes sense.

(...and yes, they're a wedding band... and yes, they sure bring the party).