Everyone has a story. Feeling like we’re old friends, getting creative and having the best time makes us feel fuzzy inside. We believe great wedding videography comes from the heart. Your wedding film will allow you, your family, friends and future generations to remember every detail and relive the day over and over again. UK and international commissions** start at £3,250.00. Of course, if you'd like to stray from the options below then please do ask - we can create an option to suit every day.


"We believe great wedding VIDEOGRAPHY comes from the heart"


#1 Super 8mm Only/Hi8 Only:

Our Short-form Super 8mm or Hi8 Film is a match made in heaven for your sun-soaked, DIY wedding. High in grain with a whole heap of nostalgia. 

  • 1 Filmmaker

  • Around 9 hours on location

  • 8-10 min Feature

  • Kodak Super 8mm Stock or Hi8 Tape

  • 3-5 min Highlights

  • 1 x USB


#2 HD Only: 

Our stunning, narrative-driven, HD Feature Film and Highlights Film plus full coverage of both your Ceremony and Speeches.

  • 1 (or 2*) Filmmakers

  • Around 9 hours on location

  • 13-15 min Feature

  • Ceremony and Speeches

  • 3-5 min Highlights

  • 1 x USB



#3 HD & Super 8mm Mix/HD & Hi8 Mix:

Our stunning, narrative-driven Feature and Highlight Films captured in a mix of both HD and Super 8mm or HD and Hi8.

  • 1 (or 2*) Filmmakers

  • Around 9 hours on location

  • 13-15 min Feature (inc 8mm Stock/Hi8 )

  • Ceremony and Speeches

  • 3-5 min Highlights

  • 1 x USB


*2 Filmmaker option >> email: info@shutterboxfilms.co.uk for details.

**For destination weddings, we request that travel and accommodation is covered via a flat fee. For Euro weddings, it’s £950.00 and for international weddings it’s £1,950.00. The flat fee covers return flights, parking, car hire/fuel/toll charges and 2 nights accommodation.